From Hovenweep we headed for Mesa Verde National Park and our route took us through Canyon of the Ancients National Monument. Pagosa Springs was our next stop to visit my brother Harry and then from there we went to Sand Dunes National Park
In Canyon of the Ancients we didn’t see any ruins (but we didn’t stop either) but we did see some great fall colors in the valley floor
Not all the dwellings at Mesa Verde were large communities as shown by the one with just 4 windows/doors underlined by red above. The picture at left is the butte that marks the edge of the Mesa as seen from our campsite. For those who like trivia, the cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde aren’t actually on a mesa, they are on a cuesta which is a hill formation that is much stepper on one side than it is on the other.
For some reason we didn’t take many pictures at my brother’s but I did get this one of some deer grazing in his front yard